My life is finally starting to get back to normal. Over the last few months my schedule has been turned upside down but now, alas, I am back to posting.
Currently I am working on 6 projects: 3 Docs, and 3 fiction pieces. I can't share all the information but lets just say that 2007 is going to be more slanted towards Drama narrative, not Reality.
Info I can share -
Was accepted to doc talk again. We are one of 8 groups that are pitching our idea to 60 broadcasters from around the world. I'll give more info on our project later.
Mona and I are developing a sit-com with the ultra-young and super talented Ken Tsui. He was the only guy that stood out to Mona and I at the MAMM contest. Yes, it is true the rest of the crop were uninspired poo merchants.
We shot our first wedding video as a favour to Mona's friend. We are yet to edit it. You can rest assured we'll throw in lots of filters and slow mo plus a few CSI tricks.
What will we edit it on? We are getting a Mac Pro Quad Processor this week. This little Emac has served us well but it's a too slow for all the new projects we want to do.
I have watched a few movies as of late...
Marie Antoinette - Mood, tone, the inner world and all those things that I love and the mainstream despises. Kirsten Dunst was just amazing in this picture. Not a perfect movie but I felt comforted and inspired at the same time.
The Weather Man - Watched it on a lark and was heavily caught off guard by this mid-life crisis tale by bigger-than-huge director Gore Verbinski. I kept thinking how bad the marketing for this movie was if I got no sense of what the movie would be like from the ads. I usually hate Nick Cage but in this I couldn't see any other actor pulling of this precarious balancing act. From the colour palette to the script, everything just worked and at the end I was overcome with emotion. I watched it twice. As far as Hollywood movies go this one slipped out unmangeled. I love the cameltoe bit.
So let's just say I'm back to writing and living my life. At work the busy season is over so now they get us to do menial jobs instead of just sitting around (back in Alberta they used to call that "fucking the dog"). Had to rake leaves the other day and put my back out. I just kept thinking the whole time that I'll be glad when I can do film full time.
Going to the Asian Film Fest kickoff party tonight. Mina Shum is giving a talk and we'll be schmoozing with lots of the local filmmakers. I don't think I'll go to the Karaoke bar (yes, you heard that right) afterwards.