I recently listened to Joe Swanberg's podcast at the workbookproject.com.
This is what it's all about.
He shoots his movies on video for nothing, has a crew of 2 and comes up with high quality stuff. Prolific is a word that comes to mind; inspiring is another. How has he managed to do all this?
He shares with us how he's finished three features and two seasons of a web TV show in the past two years (as well as another in the can but unedited). The key is his unique approach to the medium. First off --- He spends very little money on these films, he's the shooter, actor, producer and editor. He used to do the sound but now he has a sound guy. He very recenlty started working with a producer but really he's managed to cut out about 90% of the useless twits who manage to gum up the works (you know who you are; you can stop reading now). He doesn't write scripts but rather uses the actors own life experiences to form the story.
He said for his latest, Hannah takes the stairs, all he had was a pencil drawing to secure financing. He says a lot of indie filmmakers spend so much money on their first film that they are tied to those projects until they can recoup their initial investment. He uses the four-eyed-monsters kids as an example. They made their first film in 2005 (yes, it's called four-eyed-monster) at the same time Joe had just finished his first film --- Kissing on the Mouth. As I mentioned he has completed several projects since then but Arin and Susan (the directors of FEM) are 80 000 dollars in debt and can't move forward with any new projects.
So, yes I like what Joe Swanberg is doing. I think that Mona and I should just do our next fiction project by ourselves with non-actors that have great stories to tell and look great on screen. First we have to finish this doc.