A lot has happened since my last post. First off Pandora is no longer available to people oustide of the US. Boo Hoo. There are many other things to be excited about though...
My good friend Terry is almost done with his new movie "When Life Was Good". Go to the website
whenlifewasgood.com. This film of his is really great. I just love the direction he is going in. I have a small part in it but if you sneeze you'll miss it. That aside I would still love that movie. He is no longer just a friend who makes films but a filmmaker that happens to be my friend. WLWG is going to take him places. Hopefully he'll still hang out with Mona and I.
I might finally make the jump to Facebook. Only for film networking not social networking. You have to draw the line to what groups you are a slave to. Next year there will be something even better and we'll all leave facebook. That's my prediction anyway. Mona and I are finally going to put up some of our short films on that Facebook thingy.
I'm waiting to see some movies thanks to their glorious trailer...
Margot at the Wedding, the new Noah Baumbach, starring Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jack black.

There will be Blood, the much awaited P.T. Anderson. The only period piece I'm excited about.

Also I just got the new
OZU boxset thanks the the wonderful Huguette at work. I will write a post about her very soon. She is an amazing woman that I work with at the Hotel. All of you need to know about her and her amazing presence on this earth.
Movies I've seen recently...

Red Road - A Scottish movie that is moody and thrilling. Not a thriller really because it doesn't really go down that tired genre's path. It also has some great acting, cinematography and very little exposition.
Chacun Son Cinenma - a collection of 33, 3 minute films that were commissioned by the Cannes Film Festival for their 60th anniversary. My friend K.T. had to order this DVD from France at great expense so props to him and his love of Cinema. K.T., Mona and I all sat down and watched it on the weekend. The goal was to make a film that captured the feeling of being in a theatre when the lights go down. About half of them were amazing. My favorites were Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Zhang Yimou, Tsai Ming Liang, Hou Hsiao-Hsien and Raymond Depardon. There were a few stinkers, unfortunately one of my favorite filmmakers was responsible for the worst pieces of crap on the disc. I won't mention it here because I have too much respect for the Director's body of work.
I'll try to be better about posting more often. I have to get more than one person looking at my blog per day.