Just spent 3 hours at mm's nephew's bday party. A half a dozen screaming kids but hey I came out unscathed and kinda enjoyed the experience.
We are about to show our new Ladyhawk trailer to two of Vancouver rock intelligentsia's most esteemed members. We hope it goes over well. We have wine here to wear down their defenses though. Here's hoping it works.
David Lynch's Inland Empire is making a second appearence hear in Vancouver. We are going to catch it on July 8th. K.T. has seen it three times and assures us our lives won't be complete until Lynch's glorious pixels wash over us.
Wilco is coming to town again and playing at none other than the Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park. It's on Aug 20th and M.M. and I will be there. It's an outdoor amphitheatre with a liquor licence so why wouldn't we go? We're pretty fond of their new album Sky Blue Sky so that doesn't hurt either. It's not as good as Yankee Hotel Foxtrot but what could surpass that career topping high.
I'm editing some stuff for a christmas music doc this monday. The section I'm working on features the infamous El Vez (the Mexican Elvis) if my dad is reading this he'll get a kick outta that.
I'm back in the blog-sphere bitches! get used to it.
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