Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sick, but still in the fight

I've had a sinusy-cold-energy-sucking thing going down for about a week now but my head still feels pretty clear. We still haven't heard anything back from SXSW yet. I suspect we will hear from them by next Friday. I think this is a good sign.

Mona is busy in the other room editing some of the wedding video. It will be my turn later today. It looks like we are almost done.

Next week I am going to be doing more editing for a mixed martial arts program. Yes, there will be grounding and pounding. It's fun and I get to work with Paul who is a cool guy who listens to decent music. After that hopefully Mona and I will be able to work on our own stuff for awhile.

We saw Dance Party, USA last night at the Vancity Theatre. It is one of the more poetic and lyrical entries in the whole Mumblecore phenomenon. I really enjoyed it and found it to be a lot like the last couple of Gus Van Zant movies. It's basically about teenagers partying and drinking but without all the mainstream cliches plopped on top. There is a serious tone to it through the use of long lenses and very quiet moments. You can tell why Benten films chose to release it on DVD. All in all I would recommend it to people who like the same arthouse fare that Mona and I champion.

Well, it's back to editing.

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