Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a dense and exciting universe

To me Cinema is a dense and exciting universe. My favorite Directors are Bergman, Kurosawa, Winterbottom, Sayles, Altman, the two Andersons (Wes and P.T. not that twit who directed Alien VS. Predator) and of course Woody Allen.

I recently re-watched Interiors and Stardust Memories and found the former to be a near perfect study in Bergmanesque angst. I was preparing myself for his latest film, you see and since I hadn't dipped into the Woody Allen boxset in a while I figured I need to get reacquainted before I saw the new one on the big screen.

I went to see match point yesterday. Oh yes, how long has it been since we've seen a serious woody Allen. The last serious picture of his I enjoyed was the sweet and lowdown. It really held up to his classics, this match point. It was just great to hear the Brits getting their mouth around his dialogue. Basically it's a retooling of Crimes and Misdemeanors with all the funny bits chucked out and a heavy heaping of Scarlett Johansson. I really felt the ended worked whereas in so many plots like this the last third just pisses me off.

I've been watching a lot of movies both in the theatre and at home. In November my girlfriend and I bought a widescreen LCD and we've been using the crap outta that thing. Recent discoveries include-
Nine Lives
From the life of the marionettes - Bergman, Germans, psychoanalysis, dead prostitutes, one fine film
Mutual Appreciation- Someone finally gets the independant rock scene right.
Virgin Spring - Essential early Bergman
The New World - Malick outdoes himself this time around, pure visual poetry
C.R.A.Z.Y. - Best Canadian movie in a long time and this f---er's in French.

I will talk about the music that I'm listening to next time around.

1 comment:

Rose said...

That's a nice director's list. I haven't watched much Woody Allen. I should do that some time. Winterbottom is up there. Nine Songs was a blast. Don't think many people seemed to like it though. Hey, I like your blog. I ramble about film and music too. From across the planet. Come and say hi.