Just a short vitriol about a lackluster piece of physiological horror I had the misfortune to sit through yesterday. Go to IMDB if you want to know what this movie is about. I don't have the energy to recount it here on my blog. Hard Candy is dull beyond belief and with all it's CSI style editing it becomes so visually invasive I became numb to any drama that they were trying to offer me. Ellen Page's performance is so one dimensional it's almost a caricature and Patrick Wilson mostly winches when she starts monologuing (As I did) and groans or grunts for a bit of variety. Even though this is just my personal opinion I think anyone who likes subtlety or the Northern European approach to heavy subject matter will dismiss this nasty piece of kitsch faster than you can say Misery. That is giving this movie too much credit actually, for as inert as Stephen King's Misery is, it's still exists in a higher class of filmed Drama. Sorry to tell you, David Slade (the Director), independent is not synonymous with small budget. Like Whale Rider and Bend it Like Beckam all this movie exists for is as a demo real for his big bloated Tent-Pole movie we'll have to suffer through next year. Go see this if you enjoyed Identity, Butterfly Effect or anything where Ashley Judd plays a Detective.
1 comment:
Thanks for the warning. We have this coming up in our festival. I'll steer clear of it.
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