I know my body is changing when I am totally leveled by a day at the Pacific National Exhibition. This is how it went down though. My mom and 8 year old niece were in town for a few days which meant I had to put on my entertainers hat.
The first day was fairly basic, I only had to go to the Aquarium but yesterday I had to go to Vancouver's annual fair. I was tired when I arrived there at just after noon but my niece made it pretty clear she was gung-ho to go on as many rides as possible. So to prepare for this I had a 1/4 chicken, mini donuts, an ice tea and as the rides loomed closer and closer I decided to have a Rockstar energy drink. My stomach had been feeling a little queasy that morning but I thought none of it. My niece and I bought ride wrist bands and god dammit were gonna get our 40 bucks worth. If an 8 year old can handle it, so should I. Wrong, very, absolutely, surprisingly, WRONG.
The first two rides were OK: The Swings and a tilt-a-whirl clone. Then we approached the Orbiter. This is similar to the Octopus but larger and as I found out packs a hell of a lot more G-force. During this ride my stomach started to disagree with my choice of entertainment. I could feel the puke making it's way up my throat. I kept it down thankfully but I was completely disoriented and shaky afterwards.
My niece was unfazed as she ran to the next ride. I told her I almost ralphed but she didn't react. I want to go onto the pirate ship; she shrieked. I managed to stall her but I still wanted to try to go on a couple more gentle rides to get my money's worth. A fools plan but I didn't want to piss away good money.
When we finally got to the Pirate ship I sat closest to the side so as not to get any vomit on my fellow riders if I had to hurl. I didn't get sick but I felt like an old lady. After we got off I finally put my foot down. Nothing short of coating her in warm bile would have convinced her otherwise so I had to tell her firmly that I needed some time to collect myself.
During all this my mom was safely ensconced at the Casino. When we met up with her we decided we would escort my niece to the different rides but I wasn't going to go on anything that involved shaking, dropping or vigorous flailing. In the end I went on 8 rides and my niece went on about 16. One ride (1001 Nachts) she went on 5 times.
As soon as I got home I went right to bed (even the car ride home was making me ill). Today my legs and buttocks hurt. Which is all very troubling to me since I've been training for a Marathon and just last week I went for a 25 Kilometre run with very little after effects.
When I saw my niece this morning she was fine. Damn kids.
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