I started listening to this album about a month ago but I thought I would wait to post a comment. I wanted to be clear headed when I piped in on this mega-release. Ya know, ya get over exicted about an album the first few listens but that sometimes fades (all that production voodoo f--n' with your aural recepters and newness of the moment shit). I didn't want to regret anything I said about this little CD and now I can truly say these are my sober thoughts on the music that is At War With the Mystics.
I haven't been an "official" fan of the Flaming lips since the 90's so this comes as much as a shock to me as it does to my dear friends: At War With The Mystics is a Masterpiece (a shallow one but a masterpiece none the less). This album cannot be ignored. All the elements I like are in place on this album - the fuzz guitar, unconventional song structure, analog tape effects, fragile Neil Young inspired vocals, great keyboard sounds, bizzare non sequitur lyrics - it's got it all.
Note of local interest: Pink Mountaintops are opening two CD release parties for the lips in New York. This may have already happened.
1 comment:
Upon reading this blog I went down to the local music shop to find that it's not in yet. Looking forward to it though. I know what you mean about waiting for a few listens. I've often found that when I'm immediately taken by an album and I listen to it as though it is a drug I must have on a twice-daily basis, I quickly tire of it. The addiction will only last for a few weeks. Other albums take some "getting to know" and are more satisfying for it.
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