Myriad Harbour is probably the best New Pornographers song to date. As we know, Dan Bejar is an active recording and touring member of said Vancouver supergroup. Every album, they allow him a couple of songs to fill out the track list. He's the darker edge that offsets the power pop sweetness that is key to huge success they have achieved.
In the past, I thought his additions to NP albums were too finely polished and quantized by the machine that A.C. Newman captains. This time around he's channeling the same ghosts of rock past that he does in his other group but when the background vocals kick in you know it's none other than the New Pornographers. Still, the ragged beauty of a Dan Bejar song reaches the listener unmolested.
I have noticed since their last album things have gotten a little more melancholic in NP land. It's a good move and Dan Bejar fits in perfectly with this new aesthetic.
Sure, there are better songs on Destroyer albums but this is going to be heard by a lot more people. That more people will finally hear less diluted Bejar is a long time coming. The mainstream is finally getting a taste of what great music lies just below the surface.
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