Saturday, July 28, 2007

Weekend update

Mona and I tried to go see Sunshine, the new Danny Boyle movie, today but didn't get around to it. We'll try to see it very soon. K.M. saw it and said it's a winner. What it's got going for it in my opinion is the cast (Cillian Murphy, Michelle Yeoh and those other people who I've seen and loved but can't recall where) and the Cinematographer(Alwin Kulcher, responsible for lensing two of my recent favs: Morvern Callar and Code 46). With all this mindless action and sci-fi coming out who doesn't want a substantial, mind-fuck of a summer blockbuster?

We drove to Richmond's Yaohan Mall twice in the last 14 hours to acquire high end hair products at discount prices . Last night we got there at 8:30 only to discover it closed at 8. So off we went today for a repeat expedition. Mona dropped $124 but when you buy it by the gallon you know it's gonna last. The asian guy that sold it to her seemed to know his stuff, albiet spoke too fast for one with such limited English skills. He kept pushing the buy-more-you-get-discount mantra, which seemed to have some merit since I've seen what women pay for this stuff in salons and it's not mice nuts.

Off to Kelowna on Thursday for four days. Bask in heat, drink, hang out with family will be the program once we get to the Vineland.

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