I hold out a lot of hope for the future of Cinema. It's good to hope for something and then to finally discover a work of art embodies the sentiments and sensibilities you find most compelling in fiction. Two films I am looking forward to this summer are The Puffy Chair and Little Miss Sunshine. The former because this movie seems to exemplify what indie filmmaking is all about. Supposedly the budget was 10 grand; which won’t even cover the coke and hooker per diem in a Hollywood production. It was shot on mini DV and visually it looks like poo. The real draw to this is the acting, which further proves you can film on any format as long as you have a great script and compelling performances. The latter because it contains the brilliant Steve Carrel, (40 year old Virgin, Daily Show, The Office) a stellar supporting cast and a funny-as-hell script. Alan Arkan does well in his comedic roles and he seems to have a few zingers in this one. This of course is from the trailers I have seen (plus the 8 min featurette for the Puffy Chair) so I could be way off. Garden State is a perfect example of a movie that I had high expectations for that let me down big time. I hate all movie endings that have a chase to stop the lover from getting on a plane. The Airport scene must die. Zach Braff, stick to making great mixed tapes cause that’s all the good that came out of this little vanity project. So we will see if either of these are this years Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or just mindless wastes of time.
1 comment:
Indie cinema rules! I watched "The Puffy Chair" recently, enjoyed it much better than that other mainstream movie about "The Break-Up."
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